"Call me Ishmael. Some years ago - never mind how long precisely - having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world" (Herman Menville, Moby Dick)
jueves, 25 de marzo de 2010
sábado, 20 de marzo de 2010
miércoles, 17 de marzo de 2010
Vida debajo de la Antártida
The results of their mission produced the first-ever photograph of the underside of an ice shelf.
In fact, the orangish-colored creature swam to the camera, and clung to the cable of the camera system, for a close-up look at the strange-looking apparatus.
When they retrieved the camera system, they also found a long tentacle possibly from a jelly fish that is thought to have been about one foot in length.
To say the least, the NASA scientists were quite surprised. And, their amazement at such a discovery is spreading throughout the scientific community.
Now, scientists have for the first time found a higher form of life, specifically the "Lyssianasid amphidod," living (and surviving quite well) underneath a large Antarctic ice sheet.
Dr. Bindschadler exclaimed in the March 15, 2010 Associated Press article “NASA finds shrimp dinner on ice beneath Antarctica”, "We were operating on the presumption that nothing's there…. It was a shrimp you'd enjoy having on your plate…. "We were just gaga over it."
A descriptive picture of the shrimp-like creature and the video camera system underneath the ice sheet is found at the AP webpage “Lyssianasid amphipod and video camera.”
viernes, 12 de marzo de 2010
La religión del hombre. Rabindranath Tagore

lunes, 8 de marzo de 2010
In the Making
“¿Comprendes ahora, Bulkington? ¿Puedes aceptar esa verdad que a todo mortal se le antoja intolerable, que todo pensamiento profundo y honrado no es sino el intrépido esfuerzo que hace el alma por mantener la libre independencia de su mar, mientras que los más fuertes vientos del cielo y la tierra conspiran para arrojarla contra una costa engañosa y servil?”
-Moby Dick, XXIII-
Es un capítulo muy corto, el XXIII, pero genial y que me ha recordado cosas que escribí hace tiempo (en V.O.)...
In the Making
The sailor is a solitary man. Silence, work, and prayer, although this last not always being religious according to orthodoxy, are routine activities. The sailor lives surrounded by a horizon, the horizon between sea and sky and between heaven and earth. The sailor is merely a spot in the midst of the immense ocean, yet the greatest creature of the universe.
The sailor (metaphorically speaking) can become either a real mystic or a complete imbecile. Navigation means facing the truth revealed in a whisper coming from the solitude of the sea. The truth that there is no Creator without Creation and there is no Creator without Creatures. The real sailors, even those who neither do know how to read or write, have reached this truth.
There is no navigation without a horizon. The horizon may disturb the peace of both creation and the creature when it discloses to the sailor the reality of poverty and the lives of the poor in Third World countries (e.g., Brazil). The horizon that announces a personal destiny may be frightening when it remains blurred and still unknown. It calls for courage, or faith, to be willing to cross to the other side. Paradoxically, the most difficult boundaries to cross on is precisely that which man has created: the destitution line, the ethnic line, the color line, the religious line, the I-Thou line, and so on so forth. However, despite religions, cultures or ethnicity, the horizon discloses the reality of the poor, the miserable, the destitute, the dweller on the margins, and the eternal inhabitant of the boundaries. In order to erase their presence, one must deny one’s self. When the horizon discloses and reveals the poor, man discovers his self as being alienated from the human family, where the restless self reaches the juncture of its existence and must decide whether or not to join a common destiny with humankind or estrange oneself from it.
Man becomes imprisoned in his own identity when he awakens to his status quo, both the haves and the have-nots identity becomes determined making it difficult to change. So it was for the pious young man in the gospel who, besides being fond of his riches, was fond of his religion. Man is fond of riches and religion, and both can get along well in his culture. Either the young missionary or the young sailor carries his cultural identity in the register of his memories…